OPEN DAILY 11:30am - Close for Lunch & Dinner

BRUNCH Saturday & Sunday 11:30am-1pm | HAPPY HOUR Every Day 3pm-5pm | TRIVIA Tuesday 7:30pm-9pm | LIVE MUSIC Thursday 5pm-7pm

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Sustainable Mission

Why are we doing this?

We want to make an impact. We are at a point in our careers where we want to give back and do something of significance.

We live in a mountain town and we get extremely anxious when wildfire smoke shuts down our businesses, and our biking, hiking, fishing, and golf.

We believe the climate crisis could be the greatest challenge we have ever faced. We want to be part of the solution.

Restaurants and food systems account for over 15% of total greenhouse gas emissions. We are on a mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable living and sustainable dining.

We want to prove that people do not need to compromise to eat sustainably. We want to prove that sustainable restaurants can provide better service, tastier and healthier food, and a more fun dining experience - than the status quo.

Our flagship restaurant in Bend, Oregon will be net zero in 2025.

Climate Action Plan

Mountain Burger’s goal of reaching net-zero emissions in 2025 is an ambitious one so we created the Mountain Burger Climate Action Plan to serve as a guide toward our vision of sustainable living and sustainable dining. The climate action plan (CAP) is organized by the three emission scopes with strategies and actions to reduce emissions in each scope as we progress towards net zero. Our initial emissions calculations are based on one year’s worth of data from Washington, a restaurant with comparable operations to Mountain Burger, however, Mountain Burger will continue to collect data for future emissions reports and progress updates. We want to share our journey with the Mountain Burger community as we learn together and transition to sustainable living and sustainable dining.   

Check out the Mountain Burger Climate Action Plan poster or dive into the whole plan:

Climate Action Plan Poster