OPEN EVERYDAY 11:30am for Lunch & Dinner | BRUNCH Saturday & Sunday 10:00am-1:00pm

Sustainable Dining

Timber Stoves

Timber Stoves

Sourcing from local businesses is important to Mountain Burger to create jobs, reduce environmental impact, and support the local economy. Our Timber Stoves patio heaters are made by an Oregon business and ready to keep you warm!

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Roaring Springs Ranch

Roaring Springs Ranch

Mountain Burger sources its grass-fed beef from Roaring Springs Ranch in Frenchglen, Oregon, which is committed to sustainable farming practices and wildlife conservation. This partnership aligns with Mountain Burger's sustainability goals and supports a more sustainable food system.

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Turning Oil into Biodiesel

Turning Oil into Biodiesel

Oil spills and grease traps are damaging to the environment, but we usually think of that on the scale of a large oil rig spill. It turns out that oil from cooking poses the same danger, though you’ll probably be using less oil and hopefully not dumping it into the environment.

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How much carbon are we emitting from food waste?

How much carbon are we emitting from food waste?

​​At Mountain Burger, we are proud to participate in a composting program for our food scraps, reducing waste and promoting sustainability while also offering a unique benefit for our customers by supporting a business that is actively working to protect the environment. By composting, we are also reducing carbon emissions and promoting the use of nutrient-rich soil in the community.

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Reusable Drawing Tablets

Reusable Drawing Tablets

One of the fun things about going to a restaurant as a kid is getting coloring sheets or paper to draw and doodle on. However, paper and crayons can be wasteful so how can we reduce this unnecessary waste production?

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Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)

We’ve been sharing actions from our Climate Action Plan (CAP) that we released back in December, and today we are implementing another Scope 3 action. We are releasing our Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) policy and guides which is labeled as our “Green Purchasing Policy” in our CAP.

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Reducing and Proper Disposal of Food Waste

Reducing and Proper Disposal of Food Waste

With roughly 1/3 of food produced becoming waste in the U.S., there are both social and environmental impacts. Mountain Burger works hard to reduce food waste and dispose of it properly.

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Recycled Materials in Construction

Recycled Materials in Construction

Construction and demolition materials play a significant role in waste generation in the U.S. and globally. Diverting waste from landfills can help reduce carbon emissions which is why Mountain Burger works to source recycled and reusable materials for renovations.

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New System, More Sustainable

New System, More Sustainable

Clean hands, clean face, clean environment. Mountain Burger’s dedication to sustainability includes our vendors and suppliers, one of which is our laundry services who wash the cloth napkins you use when dining in.

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